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Writer's pictureKWPI

January to March 2023

This year is off to a very great start as we welcomed new things at our home. As an organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable children, we are always grateful for the support and generosity of individuals like you who share our mission.

Last February, after many years of waiting, we were overjoyed to witness the adoption of one of our boys. When asked how he was feeling at the time, this boy would answer "Half-half...", which reflected what all of us were feeling too. It was a bittersweet week for everyone as we celebrated this answered prayer, but also knew we had to prepare ourselves for the sadness of parting ways with a family member. Despite that, we know that this is a testament to our mission of raising kids in need to discover their purpose in life.

Secondly, our efforts to renovate our worship and assembly hall are well underway. This space is an integral part of our home, providing an environment for our children to connect with God and with each other through worship nights, workshops, and other activities. This is also where we welcome guests who visit our home, share our stories, and pray for them. Next to this hall, we are looking at starting to renovate our three homes within the facility. The improvements we are making will not only enhance the physical space but also create a more empowering environment for our children and staff.

Lastly, we would also like to share that we have received our public solicitation permit from the Philippines' Department of Social Welfare and Development, which will enable us to hold fundraising events locally. It was a long process of working with the government and we cannot overemphasize how important this is in gaining their trust. With this permit, we can now explore more ways of inviting communities to give financially and be part of the lives of these children. Our hope in the coming months is to raise enough support for the improvement of the home, the daily needs of the children currently with us as well as incoming ones, and other activities they look forward to having this year.

These are just some of the many stories in the last few months that show how your generosity has helped make a difference in the lives of these children. We hope that you will continue to support us as we strive to improve the lives of more children in need.

With that, we have also improved how you can continue to support us. You may now simply head to our GIVING PAGE to access our different giving options. It has details for Pushpay and PayPal if you're giving online, as well as bank details if making a direct transfer from within the Philippines. We also encourage you to send this link to others you know might be interested to sow into our mission.

Again, thank you for your continued support and may God bless you even more!


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